"the feet of Bhagavan are everywhere. So where can we gather except at his feet?
Time and space are no barriers to the gathering of hearts." Sri Ramana Maharshi

Celebrating the life of David LaChapelle

Celebrating the Life of David LaChapelle: Visionary teacher, see-er of souls, wisdom keeper and devoted follower to the great stillness. Friend to many. Dream coach, author, publisher and speaker. Chanter, painter, builder, philosopher and patriarch. His body let go. His gifts live on...

Submissions to this blog greatly appreciated:

To post your entry:
- email text and/or photos to ananda@jeffnet.org
(specify "for blog" and specify if anonymous or not) -or-
- comment in two places directly on blog: on left-hand panel or end of each post

Friday, September 11, 2009

Four days to follow my own movements

Greetings from Boulder
Im on just a quicky little burst out into the world, just came out of a four day solo quest... best thing in the world for this brain and soul... more as I come into the learning...
just wanted to post that that is where Ive been and that I will be back online Sun or Mon

Tomorrow, on the same land ("Pond House" built and loved by Ginny and her husband Roger recently adopted by Diane and Russ Hullet) will be the Boulder memorial. Will post some photos so stay tuned.

And Im still begging... please send me your submissions.... this is OUR blog... so send in your thoughts, letting go process, dreams, and memorial experiences...

Photos from solo time on the land.
PrayerRags (photos of great beings, and David too, by Rory Finney)

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