"the feet of Bhagavan are everywhere. So where can we gather except at his feet?
Time and space are no barriers to the gathering of hearts." Sri Ramana Maharshi

Celebrating the life of David LaChapelle

Celebrating the Life of David LaChapelle: Visionary teacher, see-er of souls, wisdom keeper and devoted follower to the great stillness. Friend to many. Dream coach, author, publisher and speaker. Chanter, painter, builder, philosopher and patriarch. His body let go. His gifts live on...

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Words for Warren 1930-2009

Warren & Suzanne Addicott, Ashland OR

"Some words from Warren's memorial, there were many beautiful things said and sung for him, but his words are without a doubt the most beautiful and wise of the many words."
- S.W., Ashland

I welcome silence
In it beneficent presence
I release myself from
the tentacles of mind and thought
to welcome the moment that is now
the awareness is of presence
that ecstatic state of being
in which there is no separation

This state of being
Can not be described or transmitted
It is beyond the reach of words
Memory of this experience
May fade and blur with time
Yet it is ever-welcoming, ever-available
To those who would surrender
the seductive pleasures of thought
And it's judgements and projections
Into the silence,
The timeless moment that is now

Warren Addicott

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