"the feet of Bhagavan are everywhere. So where can we gather except at his feet?
Time and space are no barriers to the gathering of hearts." Sri Ramana Maharshi

Celebrating the life of David LaChapelle

Celebrating the Life of David LaChapelle: Visionary teacher, see-er of souls, wisdom keeper and devoted follower to the great stillness. Friend to many. Dream coach, author, publisher and speaker. Chanter, painter, builder, philosopher and patriarch. His body let go. His gifts live on...

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Reflections on Hawaii. By Maria (Adi) Benito

Dear sisters, I wrote this on the plane back to Princeton. I wish to share with you. In love and in death , there are mysteries and in both there is healing. The quality of our gathering was very feminine and magical, such as the owl represents, the owl that came in on our last day together. The medicine I received washes over me like the caresses of a wise mother, a loving sister, one who is not perfect yet; yet sees with no judgment: a sisterhood medicine. To be welcomed with flowers, a lei of beautiful scent, to welcome a tired body and a tired soul, to be the pillar to allow for tears to flow. To be lifted from the ashes to my truest essence, to see the shadow and the light, and to hold them both; a metaphor. Before departing, crows appeared and a sense of shadow-material emerged. Crows are the guardian of ceremonial magic and healing. In any healing circle, crow is present. Crow guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality. Crow has been thought to represent the shadow within, the quest within. And it truly was so. The healing circle began with the spread of ashes of David's. Much grief had been shared before the ceremony, therefore we were ready to welcome a new reality. We meditated on the I-ching throw that we collectively did at the memorial site. Revolution turning to abundance. We meditated and reflected how to move forward and keep David alive in our worlds. The healing circle saw many reflections, another healing within the healing, and a satsang with a teacher who not knowing us, exposed some shadow material and held a light for new adventures. Her advise to me was "go outside the box"; "say yes only when it brings you in connection with God"; a true teaching. Without saying so explicitly, my dear sister understood how my quest was that of purpose... a blessing. With much love, Adi

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